Crow Legislative Bills (CLB)
2024 Legislation
2023 Legislation
- CLB 23-01 “Approval of the Full Comprehensive Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2024.”
2022 Legislation
2019 Legislation
- CLB 19-01 “Resolution Approving Amendments to the CLOC Regarding the Chief Judge and Associate Judges Annual Salary”
- CLB 19-02 “Approving “Herrera” Amendments to the Crow Law and Order Code Regarding the Authority of Crow Tribal Members to Hunt on Unoccupied Public Land Consistent with Article IV. Of the Treaty of 1868 Between the United States and the Crow Tribe”
- CLB 19-03 “Approval of an Interim Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020”
- CLB 19-04 Approval of the FY2020 Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue
2018 Legislation
- CLB 18-04 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2019
- CLB 18-03 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2019
- CLB 18-01 Approval of Amendment to FY 2018 Budget to Include Battlefield Express Loan for a Total of $411,661
2017 Legislation
- CLB 17-04 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2018
- CLB 17-03 An Act Repeal & Replace the Crow Tribal Housing Ordinance
- CLB 17-02 Approval of an Interim Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017
- CLB 17-01 Approval of an Interim Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue
2016 Legislation
- CLB 16-05 Interim Budget for operation of the Crow Gvt and Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for the 2nd Quarter of FY 2017
- CLB 16-04 Interim Budget for the operation of the Crow Gvt and Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for 1st Quarter of FY2017
- CLB 16-03 Percapita Distribution for the Crow Tribe; Repealing & Replacing Res. 98-65 & 2005 CLOC 9-4-113
- CLB 16-01 Amend Election Ordinance to provide option of Absentee Voting
2015 Legislation
- CLB 15-13 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2016
- CLB 15-12 Approval of an Interim Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government & the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2016
- CLB 15-11 Cooperative Conservation Plan for Greater Sage-Grouse on the Crow Nation
- CLB 15-09 Section 17 Charter of Incorporation for the Crow Gaming and Entertainment Corporation
- CLB 15-08 The Crow Tribal Gaming Authority Act
- CLB 15-07 An Act to Amend the Crow Tribal Gaming Ordinance
- CLB 15-06 An Act Authorizing and Directing the Use of All Tribal Lease Revenues from Lands Acquired in the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Land Purchases, Including Economic Development Properties
- CLB 15-05 Second Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of Absaloka Casino Enterprises, Inc.
- CLB 15-04 An Act to Amend the Crow Tribal Gaming Ordinance and Joint Action Resolution No. 14-16
- CLB 15-03 The Crow Tribal Water Code
- CLB 15-02 An Act to Amend the Crow Board of Horse Racing Act
- CLB 15-01 An Act to Establish the Mighty Few Community Development Authority as a Tribal Instrumentality for the Purpose of Developing and Improving Community Infrastructure in Wyola
2014 Legislation
- CLB 14-07 Approval of the Crow Tribal FY 2015 Budget
- CLB 14-06 Approval of an Interim Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015
- CLB 14-05 An Act to Amend Title 8B to Prohibit Any Burning in Public Refuse Depositories
- CLB 14-04 An Act to Amend the Crow Tribal Election Ordinance for Change in District Voter Registration
- CLB 14-03 Amend Title 18, Business Organizations by Adopting Chapter 1, Purpose, Policy & Administration and Chapter 5, The Apsaalooke Corporation Code, and Rescinding CLB 05-16
- CLB 14-02 Crow Tribal Gaming Ordinance Amendments
- CLB 14-01 Crow Board Horse Racing Act
2013 Legislation
- CLB 13-06 Approval of the Crow Tribal Budget for FY 2014
- CLB 13-05 An Act to Amend Title 23 by Revising the Crow Tribal Gaming Ordinance
- CLB 13-04 An Act to Amend the Crow Traffic Ordinance to Regulate Rates and Services Provided by Commercial Towing Companies
- CLB 13-03 An Act to Amend Title 23 by Revising the Crow Tribal Gaming Ordinance
- CLB 13-02 Approval of Amendments to the FY13 Budget to Authorize Expenditure of Proceeds from the Big Metal Coal Development Agreements
- CLB 13-01 An Act to Amend Portions of the Crow Tribe Sex Offender Registration Ordinance (SORNA) required for Compliance with the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act
2012 Legislation
- CLB 12-O5 Crow Tribal Budget for FY 2013
- CLB 12-03 An Act to Provide for the Extension of the FY 12 Tribal Budget for 3 Months in order to Authorize Expenditures of Tribal Revenue & to Continue the Operations of Crow Tribal Government
- CLB 12-02 Appendix B – Administrative Law Provisions for the Crow Coal Mining and Reclamation Code (SMCRA)
- CLB 12-01 An Act to Provide for the Protection of Stray Animals & the General Public on the Crow Indian Reservation
2011 Legislation
- CLB 11-06 A Formal Request to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to Establish a Memorandum of Agreement with the Crow Tribe for the Purpose of Investigating and Correcting Violations of Federal and Tribal Law Intended to Protect Against Illegal Harvesting and Trafficking of Eagles and Eagle Parts
- CLB 11-05 Repeal CLB 02-17 Establish Process for Any and All Future Waivers of Sovereign Immunity to Be Presented to the Crow Legislature for Final Approval
- CLB 11-04 Approval of the Crow Tribal FY 2012 Budget
- CLB 11-03 An Act to Amend the Election Ordinance to Establish & Affirm the Procedures for Tribal Ratification Votes, Including the Crow Tribe-Montana Water Compact & Crow Tribe Water Rights Settlement Act of 2010
- CLB 11-02 An Act to Amend Title 13 to Ensure 100% of all Crow Tribe-State of Montana Tobacco Tax Agreement Funds Received by the Crow Tribe Shall be Utilized by Little Big Horn College for the Education of Crow Tribal Members
- CLB 11-01 An Act to Amend the Crow Tribal Fiscal Management Act of 2007 to Increase Transparency, Accountability, and Professionalism in Tribal Accounting
2010 Legislation
- CLB 10-08 An Act Adopting & Authorizing Enforcement of the Most Current Edition of the International Building Code as Officially Updated and Published by the International Code Council
- CLB 10-07 An Act to Make Unlawful any Hunting of Wild Big Horn Sheep within the Exterior Boundaries of the Crow Indian Reservation until the Establishment of a Comprehensive, Long-Term Management Program
- CLB 10-06 Approval of the Crow Tribal Budget for FY 2011
- CLB 10-05 An Act to Amend Portions of the Crow Apsaalooke Secured Transaction Act
- CLB 10-04 An Act to Amend Portions of the Crow Nation Workforce Protection Act
- CLB 10-03 Crow Coal Mining Reclamation Code PART 1
- CLB 10-03 Crow Coal Mining Reclamation Code PART 2
- CLB 10-02 An Act Rescinding JAR 04-05 & Requiring a Tribal Resolution for any Future Self-Determination Contracts under Public Law 93-638 or Other Federal Law and For any Funding From Outside Sources
- CLB 10-01 An Act Establishing A Crow Tribal Health Board & Establishing Authority, Duties, and Responsibilities of the Apsaalooke Nation Health Board
2009 Legislation
- CLB 09-09 An Act to Establish a Crow Tribal Drug Enforcement Division
- CLB 09-08 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for FY 2010
- CLB 09-06 Public Health & Safety in Gaming Facilities Act of 2009
- CLB 09-05 SORNA An Act to Amend Criminal Code, Title 8D, to Adopt a New Sex Offender Registration & Notification Act to Conform with the Requirements in the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, Public Law 109-248
- CLB 09-04 An Act Adopting A Crow Tribal Lease Ordinance
- CLB 09-03 An Act to Amend CLOC 3-3-303.1 Chief Judge Qualifications
- CLB 09-02 L3C An Act to Amend Portions of Title 18, Apsaalooke Limited Liability Company Act to Define Low-Profit Limited Liability Company; Provide Requirements and Provide Administrative Dissolution of Low-Profit Limited Liability Companies
- CLB 09-01 An Act to establish a Crow Nation Workforce Protection Act (WPA)
2008 Legislation
- CLB 08-06 Recind CLB 07-15 Amendments to the Fiscal Management Act
- CLB 08-05 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2009
- CLB 08-03 Apsaalooke Nation Research Review Board
- CLB 08-02 Amendment of Titles 8B Crow Criminal Code and 8C; Criminal Methamphetamine Offenses
- CLB 08-01 A Bill Rescinding the Crow Tribal Administrative Procedures Act CLB 02-12
2007 Legislation
- CLB 07-17 Dog Control Ordinance
- CLB 07-16 An Act Establishing a Crow Traditional Supreme Court in the Crow Tribal Court System
- CLB 07-13 Approval of the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government and the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue for Fiscal Year 2008
- CLB 07-10 An Act Establishing Tribal Lease Assignment Policy and Prohibiting the Assignment or Transfer of Agricultural Leases on Tribal and Allotted Trust Lands
- CLB 07-09 Establishment of Limited Liability Company (LLC) for the Purpose of Management of Tribal Leases
- CLB 07-08 Crow Tribal Fiscal Management Act
- CLB 07-07 An Act to Amend Title 15, Ch. 1, CLOC to Give Tribal Members Rental Priority
- CLB 07-06 Apsaalooke Limited Liability Company Act (LLC) Part 1
- CLB 07-06 Part 2 of Apsaalooke Limited Liability Company Act (LLC) part 2
- CLB 07-05 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Strengthen Protection of Person Unable to Care for Themselves Because of Mental Illness or Behavioral Disorder
- CLB 07-04 An Act to Amend Title 8A, Criminal Procedure to Provide for Bail and Other Conditions of Pretrial Release and To Amend Title 3 to Require Confirmation of Continuing Special Judge Appointments
- CLB 07-03 Trespass Rights-Authorizing the Crow Tribe & Crow Tribal Members as Individuals or Collectively as Co-owners to Protect and Enforce in the Crow Tribal Court their Grazing & Trespass Right(s) on Trust Property within the Exterior Boundaries of the Crow Indian Reservation, the Ceded Area, and Any Other Crow Land on or Near Reservation
- CLB 07-02 Child In Need Care – Amendment of the CLOC Title 9, Juveniles, Specifically Sections 9-1-104, 9-3-105, & Added Section 9-4-119 and Title 10, Domestic Relations, Specifically Sections 10-1-122 & 10-1-136
2006 Legislation
- CLB 06-08 An Act to Establish a Time Limit for Executive Veto, A Veto Override Process, and a Referendum Process
- CLB 06-07 Rescinding and Repealing Res. 90-35
- CLB 06-06 Probate Code – Amendment of the CLOC Title 2, Probate, Wherein the Existing Probate Code is Rescinded and Replaced with the Attached, Incorporated by Reference as is Stated Herein Probate Code
- CLB 06-03 Apsaalooke National Bank – Amendment of CLOC Title 26 Banking, Authorization & Direction to the Exec Branch to take all necessary steps to Charter, Establish & Obtain a License from the Comptroller of the Currency for the Apsaalooke National Bank 7 or Holding Company Located on the Crow Reservation as a Profit Making Business Entity with all Deposits in the Apsaalooke National Bank Insured by the FDIC
- CLB 06-02 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Provide Protection of Persons Unable to Care for Themselves Because of Mental Illness
- CLB 06-01 The Crow/Apsaalooke Secured Transaction Act
2005 Legislation
- CLB 05-19 An Act to Expand & Designate the Native American or Indian Area of the Section 184 Housing Loan Guarantee Program o fthe Housing Authority to include the Entire State of Montana & All other related Historical Lands & Territory of the Crow Tribe & Authorize Financial Institutions to Implement the 184 Loan Guarantee in this Expanded Area
- CLB 05-18 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Establish a Curfew for Juveniles and to Encourage Parental Accountability
- CLB 05-17 Apsaalooke Cultural Resource Protection and Tribal Historic Preservation Office Act
- CLB 05-15 An Act to Amend the Comprehensive Election Ordinance
- CLB 05-14 An Act Providing for Judicial Elections and Qualifications
- CLB 05-13 Crow Tribal Land Farm Act-to Adopt an Ordinance for Safe & Proper Management of Contaminated Soil Treated by Landfarming, the Permitting of Landfarm Treatment Facilities & Sitting Facilities
- CLB 05-12 Crow Tribal Environmental Policy Act-to Initiate Protection of the Environment, and to Establish an Environmental Quality Council and a Board of Environmental Review
- CLB 05-11 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Provide Procedures for Joint Action Resolutions
- CLB 05-10 An Act to Amend CLOC regarding Admission to Practice Before the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 05-09 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Address Domestic Violence
- CLB 05-08 An Act to Adopt the 2005 Crow Law and Order Code
- CLB 05-07 An Act Creating a Tax on the Sale of Tobacco Products on the Reservation, & Authorizing the Chairman to Negotiate a Cooperative Agreement with the State of Montana for Collection of the Tax Subject to Final Approval of the Crow Legislature
- CLB 05-06 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Address Truancy
- CLB 05-05 An Act to Amend Title 5, Rules of Civil Procedure of the CLOC to Provide for Service of Process & Computation of time
- CLB 05-04 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Provide for Codification Procedures
- CLB 05-03 An Act Confirming the Appointment of Angela Russel to Fill the Unexpired Term as Associate Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 05-02 An Act Confirming the Appointment of James Yellowtail to Fill the Unexpired Term as Chief Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 05-01 An Act to Amend the CLOC to Provide for a Tribal Prosecutor
2004 Legislation
- CLB 04-10 An Ordinance of the Crow Tribe Creating, Establishing & Organizing the the Apsaalooke Water & Waste Water Authority
- CLB 04-09 An Act Approving Proposed Crow Tribe Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with the U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development & with the Federal National Mortgage Association
- CLB 04-08 An Act Confirming the Appointment of Bradley J. Stovall to Fill the Unexpired Term as Associate Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 04-07 An Act Approving the Annual Budget for the Operation of the Crow Tribal Government & the Expenditure of Tribal Revenue For Fiscal Year 2005
- CLB 04-06 An Act to Adopt Amendments to the Fish & Game Code, Title 12, of the Crow Tribe & for Other Purposes
- CLB 04-05 An Act to Adopt an Amended Election Ordinance for Elections of Crow Tribal Executive Branch Officials and Members of the Crow Tribal Legislature, for Recall and Referendum Elections, and for Elections to Amend the Tribal Constitution
- CLB 04-04 An Act to Amend Title 5, to Create Title 14, and to Adopt the Finance Protection and Procedures Act
- CLB 04-03 An Act to Adopt a Comprehensive Crow Water Quality Protection Code for and by the Crow Tribe
- CLB 04-02 An Act Granting Final Approval of the Agreement Between Westmoreland Resources, Inc & the Crow Tribe for the Rights to Explore and Lease the “South Extension” of the Absaloka Mine, Settling the Pending MMS Dispute, and Renegotiating the Royalty & Extending the Term of the Existing Tract III Lease Agreement
- CLB 04-01 An Act Authorizing the Transfers of Crow Boundary Settlement Act Trust Funds from Principal to Income, Making Such Funds Available to the Tribe for Current Expenditures, and Adopting an Amended Budget for the Expenditure of Such Funds in the Fiscal Year 2004
2003 Legislation
- CLB 03-10 An Act Granting Final Approval of the Settlement Agreement Between Bill Barrett Corporation and the Crow Tribe with Respect to the Exploration Agreement dated June 11, 2002
- CLB 03-09 An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Title 3 of the CLOC and to Provide an Effective Date for and Ratification of Certain Amendments Made in the July Session of the Legislature (Judge qualifications)
- CLB 03-06 No Quorum – An Act to Amend Certain Sections of Title 3 of CLOC
- CLB 03-05 No quorum – An Act Adopting the Crow Tribal Budget for the Expenditure of Crow Tribal Revenue for the Fiscal Year 2004 Ending October 2004
- CLB 03-04 No Quorum – Amending Dollar Amounts for the Fines Set Fourth in 8B-1-108, Penalties of the Crow Criminal Code to Comply with the Crow Constitution and to Amend or Adjust the Dollar Amount of the Fines Set Forth Throughout the Crow Criminal Code, 8B-1-101 Et Seq., and for other Purposes
- CLB 03-03 Amending 8A-7-108 Jury Eligibility of Criminal Procedure Code and for other purposes
- CLB 03-02 Confirm the Appointment of Rena Frank as Associate Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 03-01 Amend Title 3 of the Crow Tribal Code and for other Purposes
2002 Legislation
- CLB 02-29 An Act Approving the Crow Tribal Personnel Policy
- CLB 02-27 An Act Establishing the Crow Fair Office as an Office of the Executive Branch
- CLB 02-26 An Act Adopting the Crow Tribal Budget for the Expenditure of Crow Tribal Revenue for the Fiscal Year 2003, Ending October 2003
- CLB 02-25 An Act Repealing the Existing Title 6 of the CLOC and Establishing Title 8A of the Crow Law and Order Code
- CLB 02-23 An Act Amending Portions of Title 3 Law & Order Code
- CLB 02-22 To Seek and Request Monies from all Sources, Including the U.S. Health & Human Services Administration for Native Americans and Tribal
- CLB 02-21 Personnel Policy Procedures
- CLB 02-20 To Confirm the Appointment of James Ruegamer as Chief Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 02-19 To Confirm the Appointment of Donald Laverdure as Appellate Judge of the Crow Tribal Court
- CLB 02-18 An Act Ratifying the Indian Mineral Development Agreement Negotiated by the Executive Branch with the Bill Barrett Corporation for the Exploration and Development of the Crow Tribe’s Coal Bed Methane Resource
- CLB 02-17 REPEAL PENDING An Act Authorizing the Executive Branch of the Crow Tribe to Negotiate, Approve and Execute any Contract Requiring a Waiver of Tribal Sovereign Immunity Equal to, or Less than $1.00 Without Final Approval of the Legislative Branch
- CLB 02-16 An Act Authorizing the Executive Branch of the Crow Tribe to Negotiate and Approve or Prevent Any Sale, Disposition, Lease or Encumbrance of Certain Tribal Lands, Interests in Lands or Other Tribal Assets, Including Buffalo, Minerals, Gas & Oil without the Requirement that the Legislative Branch Grant Final Approval When the Total Amount of the Transaction is Equal to or Less than $25,000.00
- CLB 02-14 An Act Ratifying and Recognizing all Existing Crow Tribal Council Resolutions that Do Not Conflict with the New Constitution Until Such Time as those Resolutions are Repealed Directly or Repealed Through Passage of Legislation by the Crow Tribal Legislature
- CLB 02-13 Regulations for the Leasing of Crow Tribal Lands and Lands Held by Individual Crow Landowners
- CLB 02-10 An Act Ratifying the Crow Tribal Budget as Passed by the Crow Tribal Council in July 2001 for the Expenditure of the Crow Tribal Revenue for the Fiscal Year 2002 Ending October 2002
- CLB 02-07 An Act Establishing a Tribal Motor Pool Dept within the Executive Branch to Promulgate and Enforce Policies & Procedures Consistent with the Enabling Act and the Crow Constitution
- CLB 02-06 An Act Creating a Reservation Wide Water Commission to be Known as the “Crow Reservation Water Commission” who shall be responsible for Protecting, Preserving & Improving the Quality of Surface & Groundwater on the Reservation & for Providing Safe Drinking & Waste Water Treatment Systems for all Residents of the Crow Indian Reservation
- CLB 02-04 Establishment of Legislative Subcommittees to Advise Executive Branch Cabinets
- CLB 02-03 An Act Establishing a Weekend in June as the Date for the Annual Crow Day Festival
- CLB 02-02 An Act Amending Title 3, Ch. I through VII, Title 4 & Title 6, Rules 13 and 26, of the CLOC to Dissolve the Existing Law & Order Commission and Public Safety Officer Position Providing the Legislative Branch of the Crow Tribe the Authority to Perform its Limited Duties
- CLB 02-01 An Act Repealing the Existing Title 3 of the CLOC and Establishing a New Title 3 of the CLOC